Photos and illustrations The Madagascar Connection In foreground: Jakki Moore, partner and eternal emplyee of the month – with clients from Canada. Strategy meeting in Stockholm. With participants in «Much Better Meetings» Workshop, Norway. Preparing and planning – in Romania Cooperating with Agnar Gundersen in KUVE ASDeveloping the «MBM» – Much better Meetings» NLIM. National Institute of Leadership, Madagascar Team-work, Blackrock Ireland Project consultations, Sofia-Bulgaria The Silk Roads revisited Ministry of Modernisation and Municipal affairs. Unit for IT security, central ministries. Organisation- and coordination intervention. Oslo, Norway. Leadership Development Workshop, Ghana, «Oil for Development»/ PETRAD in GIMPA, Accra. Colleague Farouk al Kazim co- leading session. Leadership Development Workshop, Ghana, «Oil for Development»/ PETRAD in GIMPA, Accra Hotel Commune by the Wall, The Great wall China. 2018. Promo. Use of visuals. Jakki Moore and two hotel directors.