Stokkeland Int. Consulting AS (SIC-as) 1994 – date. Owner and CEC.
- National and international experience: developing institutions, strategy, teams, leaders and key personal improving and changing their practices and projects.
- Consultancies in the areas of pre-studies, design, planning, implementation and evaluation.
- Institution-, management- and HRD/personnel development.
- Private and public sector training and development.
- Work/ experience from 25 countries: i.e. South and SE Africa, especially Madagascar, S. Sudan and Ghana. Middle East, Asia, USA, Jamaica, Bolivia, Mexico and Europe.
- Represented The Fisher Group network, Oregon, US.
Clients – International gov. & non-governm.:
- WHO. World Health Organisation
- World Bank
- ILO. International Labour Organisation
- UNDP. U N Dev. Progr.
- SADC. Southern African Development Community
Clients – Ministries:
Min. of: Administration, Foreign Affairs, (MFA), Maritime Affairs, Local Government, Science and Culture and Min. of Education, KMD/BST. (Ministry of Modernisation & Municip.). 2015
Clients – Central Gov. Agencies/directorates:
- NVE. Water resources and Energy. 2001-2003
- Directorate of Oil (OD) / Petrad
- Institute for Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet) 2002-2008
- Rikstrygdeverket 1996-1998
- Statskonsult. (Agency for organisation development and change, now: DIFI)
- NORAD. Norwegian agency for development cooperation. (since 1983)
- UDI. Norwegian Agency for immigration. 2003-2005
- Presidency of Madagascar. Directorate of Good Governance. 2005-2009
Clients – Local and regional governments, government agencies/ units: (several) – i.e.
- Buskerud, Lørenskog, Oppegård, Ås, Narvik, Kvinesdal, Risør, Sula, East Agder network of 5 and 8 different municipalities; Oslo/ The waterworks of (VAV)
- High security Juvenile Psychiatry Institution in Oslo (BAS)
- Child and Juvenile Psychiatry of Oslo (BUP)
- Oslo Police (FOX), Asker and Bærum Police
- Norwegian police union/ sub-organisation for leadership
Clients – Others:
- Californian Consortium of universities for coordination of Higher Education/ Dooley Assoc. 1991
- Trade unions
- Norwegian Ship-owners Association
- University of Tromsø
- National Ass. of Process Industry. (PIL)
- Taiwan Education Network
- Ålesund University College (HiÅ)
- The Norwegian School of Ballet, Dooley & Ass.
- Lier municipality, Kindergarten segment
- Palestinian Water Authority (PWA). 2001 – 2005
- Dir. of Good Governance, Presidency World Bank/ NDP, Madagascar. 2005-2008
- Oil for development. Petrad Foundation (PeTRoleumADministration), Stavanger. 2007- (ongoing)
- OSLOMET (University) Oslo College (HiOA) (ongoing)
- Utdanningsforbundet, Oslo. 2018
Private Sector:
- Shell, Norway
- United Can (LA & Oakland, California),
- Western Digital), (San Francisco),
- Kværner (hydro-energy),
- Norsk Hydro
- Several hotels
- Aschehough Publishing House
- University Press (U-forlaget)
- Norwegian Bookmerchants Ass. (Bokhandlerforeningen)
- Statoil (Deutschland)
- Specifique
- Teco Maritim
- Gateway College
- Association of Mindfulness coaches/ therapists
- Palaistra, (Meilen, Switzerland) 2017 (ongoing)
Private consultancies:
- Partner in Samset & Stokkeland Consulting 1978 – 1992. Clients: NORAD, YS, Oslo
- Partner in Distinkt consortium with Arni Hole 2018. (ongoing)
Former work as employee:
- Sailor/ cook. Norwegian merchant marine, Brøvig Rederi 1969 – 1970
- Lecturer/ therapist. SSBU- Child and Juvenile Psychiatry (Sogn Ungdomskole) 1976 – 1977 – therapy team (Statens Senter for Barne og Ungdomsspsykiatri)
- Research assistant. Institute of Political Science, University of Oslo 1975 – 1976
- Officer/ soldier. UNIFIL – UN peacekeeping forces Lebanon, Patrol/ unit leader. NORBAT 1 & 2. Sgt. 1978.
- Associate professor/ lecturer. NKSH/ Norwegian School of Local Government, Public & Social Administration, 1977 – 1988 (Later HiOA and OsloMet University). Courses, program design and implementation: political science, local government, organisation theory, HRD and management/leadership development. Consultancies.
- Advisor. Norwegian Council for Management Development 1983 – 1985. (LOR/STILO)
- Senior consultant/ Norwegian Council for Management Development (1986-87)
- Management Development Officer, World Health Organisation, HQ, Geneva 1988 – 1990. Program coordinator for nine projects in three countries: Pakistan (4), Tanzania (2) and Jordan (3)
- Professional head: (“Lederopplæringsrådet”/LOR – later STILO). 1990-1994)